Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Dawning of a new era

Please allow me to introduce myself as the new Area Chairman of Derbyshire Conservative Future. My name is Richard Harris, a few of you may know me as the Chairman of Erewash Conservative Future. I am also the main author and contributing editor of and also the author behind Dysabledtory.

My background in CF is a short but varied one. I began in 2009 by co-founding and co-chairing the University of Derby Conservative Association and simultaneously co-founding and co-chairing the Mid Derbyshire and Derby Conservative Future Branch. In the build up to the 2010 General Election, I was supporting and working with five Conservative Candidates, and saw three of them get elected. I then moved back into my home constituency of Erewash and launched a brand new CF branch.

In April I was appointed Deputy Area Chairman by Area Chairman, Ross Copley. Upon Ross's departure in August, I was appointed Acting Area Chairman and then in September 2010 I was confirmed in the position of Area Chairman for Derbyshire Conservative Future.

I would like to congratulate my Deputy Chairman in Erewash on being appointed as the Area Chairman in neighboring Nottinghamshire.

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