Wednesday 2 March 2011

New Deputy Area Chairman Political

Daniel Francis Fox who has alot of Chairmanship experance within the East Midlands Conservative Future has joined the Area of Derbyshire as Deputy Area Chairman Political. He started as a Branch Chairman in 2009 in Mansfield District, within a year he was asked by the Regional Chairman Thomas F Turrell ESQ to be become the Regional Campaign Task Force Chairman to which after alot of consideration he accepted. Daniel then after one year was promoted to another Regional position of Deputy Regional Chairman - Membership and Finance, and Chairman of a Regional committee (Social Action, School's and Universities), and also Deputy Area Chairman Political (DAC) for Nottinghamshire CF however this was a short spent time in office due to Daniel's personal committments. Daniel Resigned his office as Branch Chairman in January 2011 with with the aggreement of Thomas F Turrell ESQ to make way for the younger generation and ideals of the Conservative Future. He was then asked by Richard Harris - Area Chairman for Derbyshire CF to suceed Matthew Coolins as the DAC Political. Daniel sent this statement for you all. Daniel Was then appointed Vice Chairman of the Regional Campaign Task Force & Vice President with Secreterial duties of the Regional Congress.

"I would like you to thank you all for your much given support over the past years, I am a hard working, trustworthy, Conservative in heart, mind and spirit, I also have a deep rouited belief in the Christian Faith. I truly believe in the traditional values of the Conservative party. But I am fully accepting of productive change! We are very lucky to have so much in our country, for example freedom of speach, free education, a basic understanding of politics, free healthcare, Housing benifits, job seekers allowance, child support and so much more. We have a free library service and we also have some of the best Futher and Higher Educational establishments in the world. I support the No2AV Campaign and I pledge on this day of 02/03/2011 to vote No2AV on the 5th May 2011. I think that I am really lucky because I have a wonderful BF who is not politcal in anyway but who fully supports me in my beliefs and in all that I do. Thank you to Thomas F Turrell ESQ for all of your advice and guidence over the past years."

Daniel Francis Fox has been a key member of the East Midlands Regional Team and continues to support the Regional Chairman in his time in Office.

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