Thursday 19 April 2012

David Cameron launches the Conservative Local Election Campaign in Derbyshire

Conservative Party Activists from across the County of Derbyshire welcomed the Prime Minister to Amber Valley yesterday as he was joined by the Party Co-Chairman, Baroness Warsi and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP to launch the Conservative Local Election Campaign.
David Cameron told a packed Riddings Park Community Centre to be prepared to fight hard on the doorstep ahead of the local elections on May 3rd, as Mr Pickles reminded activists that Conservative Councils were freezing Council Tax and saving money whilst under Labour Control Council Tax was doubled.
Richard Harris, Derbyshire CF Area Chairman, said: “We have some fantastic, passionate young activists in Derbyshire, and the Prime Minister’s visit was a real boost for them, especially the three CF Candidates standing in Derby City. It was the biggest motivator that we could have ever received. Every single person you meet has a reason to vote Conservative; from the worker who has been taken out of the tax system to the pensioner getting a boost in their state pension. The message is clear there is only box to put your cross in on May the 3rd and that is for the Conservative Party.”
John Cope, Conservative Candidate – Abbey Ward, Derby, said: “We were all very pleased and proud that the Prime Minister chose to launch the Conservative Party's local election campaign in Derbyshire.

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