Thursday 19 April 2012

David Cameron launches the Conservative Local Election Campaign in Derbyshire

Conservative Party Activists from across the County of Derbyshire welcomed the Prime Minister to Amber Valley yesterday as he was joined by the Party Co-Chairman, Baroness Warsi and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP to launch the Conservative Local Election Campaign.
David Cameron told a packed Riddings Park Community Centre to be prepared to fight hard on the doorstep ahead of the local elections on May 3rd, as Mr Pickles reminded activists that Conservative Councils were freezing Council Tax and saving money whilst under Labour Control Council Tax was doubled.
Richard Harris, Derbyshire CF Area Chairman, said: “We have some fantastic, passionate young activists in Derbyshire, and the Prime Minister’s visit was a real boost for them, especially the three CF Candidates standing in Derby City. It was the biggest motivator that we could have ever received. Every single person you meet has a reason to vote Conservative; from the worker who has been taken out of the tax system to the pensioner getting a boost in their state pension. The message is clear there is only box to put your cross in on May the 3rd and that is for the Conservative Party.”
John Cope, Conservative Candidate – Abbey Ward, Derby, said: “We were all very pleased and proud that the Prime Minister chose to launch the Conservative Party's local election campaign in Derbyshire.

Thursday 18 August 2011

A-Level Results

The Derbyshire CF Area Chairman would like to wish all those collecting A-Level Results today every success.


Richard Harris, Area Chairman said: “I remember collecting my A-Level Results, all of 6 years ago now, it is a very daunting prospect but can also be an extremely rewarding one. I wish all students across the County the very best today and to those hoping for university places I wish them every success in getting to where they want to be. Can I also wish all those applicants to my own Alma Mater at The University of Derby, the very best and welcome you all to the county?”



Wednesday 10 August 2011

On behalf of Derbyshire Conservative Future, the Area Chairman would like to thank the Derbyshire Constabulary for their efforts to dispel rumours of public disorder in the city and their efforts to put the public’s minds at ease throughout the night. This is indeed the proof that we need that social and information networking can and is used for good.


People should be in no doubt, we will do everything necessary to restore order to Britain’s streets and to make them safe for law-abiding citizens.


We completely condemn the scenes that we have seen on our television screens and in our communities. These are sickening scenes. This is criminality pure and simple. It has to be confronted and defeated. We are on the side of the law-abiding people who are appalled by what has happened in their own communities.


Police officers have shown incredible bravery confronting the thugs. It was clear yesterday that we needed more police on our streets and more robust police action. Leave within the Metropolitan Police was cancelled and 16,000 police were on the streets of London yesterday. Already 770 people have been arrested in London alone and we will make sure that court procedures and processes are speeded up. We have a very clear message for those who are responsible for this wrongdoing and criminality - you will feel the full force of the law. If you are old enough to commit these crimes, you are old enough to face the punishment.


Parliament will be recalled for a day on Thursday. The Prime Minister will make a statement and a debate will be held, led by the Home Secretary, so that the House can come together in condemnation of these crimes and stand together in determination to rebuild these communities.


Assistant Chief Constable Dee Collins, from the Derbyshire Constabulary, said: “We had a high visibility police presence out in key areas throughout yesterday and last night and I hope that reassured people. A lot of people in local communities were understandably nervous and worried having witnessed events in other areas of the UK over the last few days. There were a number of incidents overnight mainly around Allenton and Alvaston in Derby, involving a single group of youths involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.

Officers tracked this group throughout the area and so far two arrests have been made in connection with the incident and I expect more to follow. While it is disappointing, if you take the incident out of the context of current events, it is the sort of thing we have to deal with every day in the county and compared to other areas it has been relatively low-key.

We have had an increased number of calls from the public during this period, mainly around false rumours spread via social networking sites. I would like to thank local people for all the support they have offered us and I would continue to urge people to ring us with any information they may have.”



Mr R Harris BSc (Hons) AMBCS


Area Chairman – Derbyshire Conservative Future





Saturday 28 May 2011

Deputy Area Chairman: Political and Campaigning. DAC Campaigns 2011


The blog to do with the Environmental Campaigners "Free to Choose" has Been removed as a Campaign of the DAC: P&C, Daniel Francis Fox ESQ.

Derbyshire Area CF does not take any responsibility for the comments or the Points of View of it's readers.

Daniel Francis Fox ESQ
Deputy Area Chairman: Political and Campaigning.
Derbyshire Conservative Future.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Where next for the coalition?

Few of you my know that I was No2AV coordinator for the Erewash Conservative Association in the run up to the recent local elections. I was also appointed as the Referendum agent for the Conservative Party in Erewash.

I attended the count along with my two counting agents, Cllr Chris Corbett (leader of Erewash Borough Council), Allison Maguire (Deputy Chairman (Political & Campaigning) and my guest for the afternoon .was Jessica Lee MP (member of Parliament for Erewash). Now this was the third count in around fifteen hours and sadly I had lost out in the previous two. So walking around the counting hall I said to Chris, "there is one table with around a 50/50 split, the rest of the room is about 3/4 NO". Now in my bid to learn more about running an effective counting operation, I had speculated with Chris that the more or less even table was probably from the "Sawley Ward" which had a large Lib Dem following, the ward where we had claimed 2 seats to eliminate the Lib Dems from the council earlier that morning.

About 20 minutes later the referendum counting team had been sent for a well earned break. I was sat in the gallery with Jessica and Allison discussing the highs and lows of the previous twenty four hours and I was summonsed to the counting hall. The Deputy Returning Officer read out a list of voting figures to me which I scribbled down. I then returned to the gallery to await the final results. Sitting and chatting with Jessica Lee is always an insightful and extremely interesting experience as she sits scribbling on a scrap of white A4 paper, "This is my mood map" she says, "Winston Churchill's war effort began on a peice of paper". As we discussed the provisional result, Allison calculated that exactly 25% of the votes cast were yes votes. "Your prediction of 3/4 was spot on, Let me copy those figures down" Jessica was extremely happy with the results (as was I after the previous night).

10 minutes later I was waved down to the counting hall again. The results were confirmed. I then went back upstairs to phone the results through to No2AV HQ. We sat for about anonther half an hour discussing the results and the strategy for the next four years. Every 5 minutes or so, Jessica would say "seriously well done and thank you, that was a fantastic result".

But it makes me wonder, where do the Lib Dems go from here? They have another four years to go in government, they failed on Tuition Fee's, they failed on VAT, they failed on AV, MR Clegg seems extremely fragile in his position. If the Lib Dems get rid of him does his successor in October automatically resume the position of Deputy Prime Minister? 

Wednesday 2 March 2011

New Deputy Area Chairman Political

Daniel Francis Fox who has alot of Chairmanship experance within the East Midlands Conservative Future has joined the Area of Derbyshire as Deputy Area Chairman Political. He started as a Branch Chairman in 2009 in Mansfield District, within a year he was asked by the Regional Chairman Thomas F Turrell ESQ to be become the Regional Campaign Task Force Chairman to which after alot of consideration he accepted. Daniel then after one year was promoted to another Regional position of Deputy Regional Chairman - Membership and Finance, and Chairman of a Regional committee (Social Action, School's and Universities), and also Deputy Area Chairman Political (DAC) for Nottinghamshire CF however this was a short spent time in office due to Daniel's personal committments. Daniel Resigned his office as Branch Chairman in January 2011 with with the aggreement of Thomas F Turrell ESQ to make way for the younger generation and ideals of the Conservative Future. He was then asked by Richard Harris - Area Chairman for Derbyshire CF to suceed Matthew Coolins as the DAC Political. Daniel sent this statement for you all. Daniel Was then appointed Vice Chairman of the Regional Campaign Task Force & Vice President with Secreterial duties of the Regional Congress.

"I would like you to thank you all for your much given support over the past years, I am a hard working, trustworthy, Conservative in heart, mind and spirit, I also have a deep rouited belief in the Christian Faith. I truly believe in the traditional values of the Conservative party. But I am fully accepting of productive change! We are very lucky to have so much in our country, for example freedom of speach, free education, a basic understanding of politics, free healthcare, Housing benifits, job seekers allowance, child support and so much more. We have a free library service and we also have some of the best Futher and Higher Educational establishments in the world. I support the No2AV Campaign and I pledge on this day of 02/03/2011 to vote No2AV on the 5th May 2011. I think that I am really lucky because I have a wonderful BF who is not politcal in anyway but who fully supports me in my beliefs and in all that I do. Thank you to Thomas F Turrell ESQ for all of your advice and guidence over the past years."

Daniel Francis Fox has been a key member of the East Midlands Regional Team and continues to support the Regional Chairman in his time in Office.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Derby City Super Saturday

Members from Mid Derbyshire & Derby City CF were joined by Council Candidate Steve Hassell and Derbyshire Area Chairman Richard Harris, on Saturday 22nd January as they delivered Council Connected Leaflets around the Darley Ward in the City.

The group were also joined by Newly elected Nottinghamshire Area Chairman Luc Chignell.

Richard Harris said: "It is great to get out and deliver, it is the first real campaign day that we have done as an area. We have had a great turnout for the first campaign day and it is great to have support from neighbouring area's. I would like to thank the branch Chairman for arranging the event and also to welcome Luc Chignell to his new post and wish him the best of luck."